vrijdag 31 december 2010

David Cameron says spending cuts tough but necessary.

Prime Minister David Cameron insisted in his new year message that the spending cuts were necessary, and not out of ideologic zeal.

The PM also said that the economy is be out of the danger zone, but there is still a lot of ''heavy lifting'' coming up in 2011. However, the only alternative for the tough planning cuts would be indecision and delay. This would be unacceptable, according to the PM.

The Prime minister included that more needed to be done to counter the Islamic extremism amidst the ongoing UK terror threat. There are several plays at a more collegiate approach.
Reaction: A more collegiate approach. This sounds like what we already have in the Netherlands. Even if some politicians are trying to gun each other down during elections, after that they work together. Well if possible. It doesn't always work, but what I've seen of the British Parliament, I say it's a step in the right direction. Shout at each other all you want, but in the end, if they don't work together, they won't pull through. This all does sound a but fuzzy though. ''Hey let's work together, together we will make it. It will be hard, but we would be the greatest success of the 21th Century. I don't wanna link this to Communism but come on, keep it real now!

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